Central American Migrant Caravan in Mexico: Caring Mesoamerican Angels

I am in Mexico to speak about playfulness and the ludic attitude as central components of a life of wellbeing: a life worth living in the ancient philosophical sense. I will present a keynote address in a conference at Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, a top-notch public education institution in Mexico. My friends here are hosting me with care and love.

Meanwhile, thousands of Central Americans, mostly from Honduras but also from the entire isthmus, are migrating in at least five caravans along various routes through Mexico. Their lives were in peril. Their journey is perilous. Their hope is to reach la Yunai, the United States, where they will seek humanitarian asylum in hopes for a life of wellbeing.

Meanwhile, the United Statesian Government, supported by a good proportion of United Statesians, has deployed military forces to secure the "Homeland's border", as if a home were a place to dig trenches, install barbed-wire, and shoot visitors, rather than a place to welcome people in need and share in hospitality and solidarity. There is much to be said about this. I do think that careful listenting of the stories of migrants and good-heartedness can reverse this situation, perhaps not entirely, but enough to tip the political balance towards solidarity and hospitality.

But today, here in Mexico, I want to thank the Mexican angel-persons who have cared and continue to care for these Central American migrants. They are Mesoamerican angels caring for other Mesoamericans. They are people caring for people. 

They provide living proof of the effectiveness of agapic love - the ethical love that acts for the good of other persons for their own sake, cherishing their worth, dignity, liberty, and humanity. 

This is the sort of ethical love that I recommend in Loving Immigrants in America. It is the sort of loving care that I hope Americans everywhere will offer to migrants and immigrants who search for a home where they can live well, happily, even playfully one day.

 "Prepárame la cena": Offer a meal and care


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