Thoreau's "True Philanthropy"
Thoreau knew he had several lives to live, only one of which was political, as an individual committed to justice in relation to an unjust society. With respect to that one political life, or the political aspect of a larger, more wholesome life: What was most essential for Thoreau? How should he spend that political life primarily?
In her introduction to Thoreau’s Political Writings, Nancy Rosenblum provides a clue: “The great interest and originality of Thoreau’s political thought is precisely the way he situates democratic citizenship in the larger contours of a life well spent” (xxvii). A person, to be a good democratic citizen, ought first to cultivate his or her inward life, to listen to the calling of his or her genius, and to respond to it. They would then become persons that would have their best to offer to their neighbors.
As Rosenblum puts it, Thoreau was “loath to interrupt his own life,” not because he was misanthropic or indifferent, but because for him “true philanthropy is the unconscious spread of a superfluity of energy and goodness” (xxvvii). Philanthropy, or the love of our fellow human beings, means, first and foremost, becoming persons who have our best energies and capacities to offer to others.
This required knowing how to seek one’s moments and spaces for self-cultivation. Again Rosenblum: “Thoreau also knew from experience that a deliberate life in accord with conscience requires self-involvement, and occasional aloofness and withdrawal” for the purpose of sharpening his focus and responsiveness to that very inner voice of conscience (xxvviii).
Thoreau was no political saint or savior. He did not seek to right every wrong, to resist every injustice, to lead charities, to alleviate all suffering. But he sought to cultivate his sense of justice, to remain awake and alert to his conscience, so as to be able to recognize when he was being called upon to commit injustice and to resist.
As I seek guidance for how to act politically, this is a perspective worth keeping in mind and sharing with others.
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